Rob Kardashian 2018: Girlfriend, tattoos, smoking \u0026 bodyThe word tattoo, or tattow in the 18th century, is a loanword from the Samoan wordtatau, which means "to strike". The Oxford English Dictionary gives the etymology of tattoo as "In 18th c. tattaow, tattow. FromPolynesian (Samoan, Tahitian, Tongan, and so on.) tatau. InMarquesan, tatu." Prior to the importation of thePolynesian word, the practice of tattooing had been described in the West aspainting, scarring or staining.The etymology of the body modification term is not to be confused withthe origins of the word for the military drumbeat or performance — see military tattoo. In this case, theEnglish word tattoo is derived from the Dutch word taptoe.The initial written reference to the word tattoo (or tatau)seems in the journal of Joseph Banks (24 February 1743 – 19 June 1820),the naturalist aboard explorer James Cook's ship HMS Endeavour: "I shall nowmention the way they mark themselves indelibly, every of them is so marked by their humour or disposition".[5] The word tattoowas brought to Europe by Cook, when he returned in 1769 from his first voyage to Tahiti and New Zealand. In his narrative of the voyage,he refers to an operation referred to as "tattaw".Tattoo enthusiasts could refer to tattoos as "ink","pieces", "skin art", "tattoo art", "tats" or "work"; to the creators as "tattooartists", "tattooers" or "tattooists"; and to locations where they work as "tattoo shops", "tattoostudios" or "tattoo parlors".Mainstream art galleries hold exhibitions of each conventional and custom tattoo designs, such as Beyond Skin, at the Museumof Croydon. Copyrighted tattoo designs that are mass-developed and sent to tattoo artists are recognized as"flash", a notable instance of industrial design and style.[8] Flashsheets are prominently displayed in numerous tattoo parlorsfor the purpose of providingeach inspiration and ready-produced tattoopictures to consumers.The Japanese word irezumi means "insertion of ink"and can mean tattoos making use of tebori, thetraditional Japanese hand strategy, a Western-style machine or any technique of tattooing utilizing insertion of ink.The most frequent word utilized for classic Japanese tattoostyles is horimono. Japanese could use the wordtattoo to mean non-Japanese designs of tattooing. thank you for visiting this site about rob kardashian tattoo, i hope you enjoy it.
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